Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

I have not given it much thought on how art could change so much over time. While reading “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” gave me some new insight on how things changed over time. During the Middle Ages engraving and etching was added to woodcut but then a century went by, and things started to change. They went from engraving and etching to lithography. This process was more direct being traced on a stone rather than on a block of wood. It permitted graphic art for the first time to be able to be put on the market. 

            Ever since the new iPhone came out with the new advanced cameras, I started to view photography differently. I wasn’t really into taking photos but now have the technology we have today gave me a different view on how photos are taken. We all take “simple” photos but with these advance technologies on our phones I have been taking better pictures. I have a much more appreciation for photographers today. It also makes it easy to share your art through many social media apps for everyone to see or to get feedback on what it is you are doing. 

            I think of artistic authenticity based on what type of media it was made from. What materials, how it was executed, and by the process it took to gain that certain piece. Some pieces take time, and some pieces take very little time for it to come together. 

            Themes play a big role in art these days. Political being a big topic in my option. Most artist make pieces based on political views or what is happing in the world. Social Media is a huge technology advancement in artwork by advancing artist and promoting their work in many ways. 

            I am not a big reader so looking at this article sparked an interested in me. I feel like for me I only think about what is happening now. I never focus on how we got in here or how things evolved.


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