2nd Interactive Critique


Nurture Digital is a platform for an agency, and they focus on digital branding and marketing for companies. The motion graphic animation is the very first thing that you see when you click on the website. The motion graphic is made as a complex looped animation. It represents the process of a single company's workflow to give you an idea of what the companies process is like.  

As soon as you click the link you will see the motion graphic which was incredibly done design wise. It has many animations of people, objects, and many more. Off to the side it has some familiar company logos which you are able to click on. If you click on any logo, it builds the page in front of you. What I mean in front of you meaning it taking all the information and putting it together like a puzzle. As you scroll to gain more information it moves around the page like water flowing down a river. 

            This whole interactive website is very visually appealing. The color pallet goes very well together and ties into each company. I like how there are tons of button and opportunity to play around with and go to different webpages to gain more information. Like we talked about in class there are icons that basically tell you what to do. There are arrows to direct you to move from page to page. With those arrows it takes you to a page with a singular letter on it which spells Nurture. On each page it gives you information on what this company does and why they have this website.

            If I had to change anything about this website, I wouldn’t change anything. The reason for that is because I think this was executed very well. The navigation bar is very helpful and has social media platforms to go further. Overall, I really enjoy this website and how interactive it is with the user. The design of this did a very good job engaging the user in many ways.     


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